Manhan Food Control Laboratory


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Food Microbiology and Laboratory Trainings

Training List

Training on Microbiological Method Validation and Uncertainty

Microbiological methods require a sound experience and sensitivity during application. Therefore, the microbiological methods are validated to ensure and verify the used analysis method is in accordance with the intended use. Food sector operators require microbiological analysis and the validation of this analysis to perform their own internal controls and to detect the possible food borne disease risks before they occur.

This training is intended to target all personnel performing microbiological analysis and those that are directly related to those results.

The training aims to cover

  • Validation parameters
  • Validation plan (specially designed for Qualitative and Quantitative methods)
  • The selection of Food Groups
  • Spike methods
  • Performance of validation work
  • Evaluation of validation results
  • Preparation of validation reports
  • Preparation of uncertainty reports
  • Reporting of results

Basic Microbiology Training

This training is designed especially to address the personnel that have not received any basic microbiology information. It covers the content of Food Microbiology and the basic applications.

The target audience is all personnel that operate in food sectors (managers, procurement, marketing and sales personnel).

The training aims to cover

  • Basic microbiology information
  • Basic information on microorganisms
  • Study of microorganisms (as live and with staining techniques)
  • Methods for inoculation and count of microorganisms

Laboratory Training for Food Microbiology

This training aims to present the basic information necessary for microbiology laboratory personnel. Once the basic theoretical and practical information is given, all participants will have the opportunity to perform the analysis on benches. All personnel working in areas related to direct application of microbiology are the target audience.

The training aims to cover

  • The physical set-up of food microbiology laboratory
  • The equipment used in food microbiology laboratory and their technical specifications
  • The general rules of a microbiology laboratory
  • The important microorganism groups for food
  • Methods of analysis for food microbiology (Standard and rapid methods)
  • Preparation of culture media, sample preparation, incubation, count and validation tests
  • Reference microorganisms (storage methods)
  • Quality control for food microbiology laboratory

The application of TS ISO /IEC 17025 for Microbiology Laboratory and Accreditation

The training aims to present the requirements of TS ISO/IEC 17025 standard certification and to inform the participants on set-up laboratories in accordance with the standard. The target audience are those who operate in Quality Assurance sections of companies.

The training aims to cover

  • TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 and The Details of Accreditation (the importance and scope)
  • TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 and the basic principles of Accreditation Principles
  • The detailed analysis of Section 4 and 5 of the Standard under these principles
    Section 4: Operational Requirements
    Section 5: Technical principles for microbiology laboratories
  • Accreditation time plan and key milestones

Training for Microbiological non-conformities (Codex and Food Law)

The training aims to provide the guidance for evaluation of the analysis results in accordance with the related section of the Codex. Target audience is all personnel operating in food sectors.

The training aims to cover

  • Establishing the correct limits for conforming/non-conforming product as based on Turkish Food Codex
  • Establishing the correct limits for conforming/non-conforming product as based on EC 1441/2007 Microbiological Criteria for Foodstuffs

Training for Set-up of Microbiology Laboratory

The training aims to cover

  • The training aims to cover the requirements of microbiology laboratory as based on principles of TS ISO/IEC 17025